

[Answer completed] Online support

작성자 뉴로하모니(ip:)

작성일 2024-06-10 10:40:54

조회 47

평점 0점  

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This is Neurofeedback Korea.

1. Online Support
You can upload brainwave data and receive counseling through the training consultation bulletin board on the website.

a. A ped file is created when the EEG is measured and stored with NeuroSpec BT.
b. If you measure your brain waves with the training protocol, you can check your rest, attention, and concentration scores.
c. Upload the ped file and training protocol score, including the purpose of the measurer's training and age information, to the training consultation board.
d. We analyze brain waves and recommend training modes and training counseling.

2. Training consultation report
Training consultations can be conducted through service 1.

3. Warranty period
The failure usually results in the cutting of the earlobe. The earlobe can be repaired free of charge even after the warranty period, but it should be noted that it is difficult to use it for a long time during the delivery period.

Make sure to release the ear lobes first when using the band, and if you know the precautions for releasing the headband, you can use it for a long time without failure.

If you do not release the ear lobes and release the headband hard, the ear lobes may break.

4. Training Mode
The training mode is a training protocol that can automatically check the training mode along with rest, attention, and concentration scores by measuring brain waves for 3 minutes.

More precise EEG analysis is performed with data measured by neuroscope BT.

[ Original Message ]

Hello, there are some questions I would like to ask before purchasing.

1. Is there any online support, customer service for members if I have any troubles using the program?

2. Is it possible for me to get a consultation or report if I am using it overseas?

3. Is there any warranty on the headband? 

4. Will the Training Protocol tell me which games I should use after doing the Neurospec EGG measurement?

T hank you very much.



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Fax :

월 ~ 금 오전 10:00 ~ 오후 06:00

점심시간 오후 12:00 ~ 오후 01:00

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국민은행 041301-04-264769

예금주 : 뉴로피드백 코리아
